How to Re-Grout Tiles: 6 Easy Steps

Cracked, separated or stained grout can give your tiled surface an unpleasant appearance. Worse still it can pose another problem. The decaying grout could lead to water accumulating under the tiles. With ceramic tiles, failing to apply fresh grout can make the surface susceptible to mould and mildew.


Here are some steps to follow if you are considering re-grouting ceramic tiles:

1. Choose the Right Type of Ceramic Tile Grout

To start with, you need to get a clear idea of the type of grout you will need. Make sure you match correctly against the existing grout to match the colour properly. If you don’t do this correctly, this can turn out to be a huge mistake. If you can, break off a loose piece and take it with you to a home improvement store so you can hold it up next to the samples. This will ensure you get a perfect match.

2. Clean the Grout

Now that you have chosen the type and colour of grout you will be using, it’s time to get your hands dirty. You can use a commercial grout clear for removing any mildew, grime and any residue to clear the existing grout. Let it dry completely.

3. Remove the old Grout

Before you start regrouting your ceramic tiles, remove all cracked, damaged and crumbled grout. This can be done using a grout saw which is fairly cheap and can be bought at any home improvement store. Choosing the wrong saw will not remove the old grout efficiently and will cause damage.

4. Apply the Grout

Mix the grout as per the manufacturer’s specifications and start with the application process. Use a grout float to evenly spreading the mixture on the floor and fill all the spaces. After they are full, use a wet finger for smoothing out each joint. With a squeegee and a grout sponge wipe away excess grout on the ceramic tile. Make sure you don’t wipe over the surface too many times or you may harm the grout that is drying. As grout shrinks after it dries, don’t worry if you see any gaps forming as it is common practice to apply it twice.

5. Seal the Grout

To guard against further mildew and stains, seal the grout properly. This is the most important step of the process and a sealer is available at all home improvement shops. Sometimes, the sealer is available with an applicator. Carefully follow the instructions and apply the sealant directly on the dry grout.

6. Final Touches

As the new grout begins to dry out, by means of a sponge or a wet rag, wipe off any remaining residue off the ceramic tiles. If this creates a haze, let it dry and then wipe it again with a dry rag.

A Better Tile Re-Grouting Alternative

Re-grouting ceramic tiles gives a new life to any room – whether it is your kitchen, bathroom, outdoor area or living room. The challenge is, if it isn’t done in a precise manner and the grout isn’t even, the appearance of your tiles can look worse than they did before you did the re- grouting.

Getting a professional in to do your re-grouting will produce a more professional, great looking result plus it’s often more affordable than most people think.

To arrange a quote for your tile regrouting or cleaning, just click the link below.